St. Jude Garden

In partnership with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis Tilth maintains the St. Jude Garden in order to bring food and sustainability into focus on St. Jude’s campus by suppling the campus with fresh produce, developing a focus on sustainable landscaping, and connecting the community directly to the garden. In our efforts to create more sustainable practices at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, we hope to increase biodiversity & attract beneficial wildlife, intensify the purpose & beauty of campus green spaces, educate the St. Jude community about these processes.

In 2018 alone, we harvested 6,081.8 pounds, which was 600 more pounds than the previous year. Of the produce harvested, 52% was distributed to Kay Kafe, 40% was distributed to the St. Jude Farmers Market that was manage, and 8% was sold or donated to Bring It Food Hub.

In 2018, we planted over 1200 perennial flowers, grasses, and trees in the main garden and over 3000 perennials in the campus pollinator gardens. We also installed 4 new pollinator stations across campus with over 20 new species of butterfly & pollinator species spotted in the Butterfly & Hummingbird Garden. Additionally to support our sustainable landscaping, we maintain 4 bee hives, harvesting nearly 20 gallons of honey in 2018.

The main St. Jude Garden maintains three certifications: Certified Naturally Grown, Wildlife Certification, and USDA Good Agricultural Practices Certification. The Butterfly and Hummingbird Garden is also obtained the Monarch Waystation certification.