In support of black, indigenous, and people of color growing food and communities in the United States and beyond, we want to share some resource at the intersection of food systems and farming.

Black Farmers Network Stories and inspiration of black farmers as well as a network for sharing resources, products and services  - there are a lot of great profiles of black farmers, black farmer advocates and political figures here, and the writing is really good - highly recommended!

National Black Farmer’s Association.  Since its inception in 1995, the NBFA has advocated for the inclusion of black farmers on the subsidies (with current subsidy bills excluding black farmers from their benefits). Most recently, they lobbied for a case that charged the USDA of withholding and blocking aid to black farmers (aid that was ruled in favor of the black farmers in the case of Pigfield v. Glickman back in 1999) allowing for $1.15 billion to resolve the cases of the black farmers. 

Black Family Land Trust A conservation land trust (based out of North Carolina) dedicated to the preservation and protection of African-American and other historically undeserved landowner assets. Representing Black and other people of color both in their leadership as well as their mission, they help BIPOC farmers in the setup and sustaining of their land.

Soil Generation Located in Philadelphia, Soil Generation is a coalition of black and brown farmers and growers focused on gaining (or regaining) access to land for BIPOC as well as securing the ability to maintain and keep access to the land. They not only work to facilitate consultations and help with starting organizations and building gardens, but also offer dialogue and training as well. 

National Black Grower’s Council A national organization that advocate for black farmers in the U.S. and teaches young men and women about farming and agriculture. Although not necessarily aimed towards flower farming specifically (focusing mostly on cash crops like soy and peanuts) they are a good resource for black farmers and their allies. You can also donate to the council to support black farmers. 

Traditional Native American Farmer’s Association The promotion of traditional agriculture insures  economic, social and health stability in our communities. Where we see  the decline in farming in our communities we also see the decline in the  social and physical health of our people. TNAFA's goals are to reverse  this trend by developing educational programs that will demonstrate  sustainable agriculture. Educating farmers and youth in community scale  organic farming will ensure a future in agriculture.”

Black Urban Growers (BUGS) is an organization committed to building networks and community support for growers in both urban and rural settings. Through education and advocacy around food and farm issues, we nurture collective Black leadership to ensure we have a seat at the table.

Soul Fire Farm is an Afro-Indigenous centered community farm committed to uprooting racism and seeding sovereignty in the food system. They raise and distribute life-giving food as a means to end food apartheid. With deep reverence for the land and wisdom of our ancestors, Soul Fire works to reclaim our collective right to belong to the earth and to have agency in the food system. They are training the next generation of activist-farmers and strengthening the movements for food sovereignty and community self-determination.

BIPOC Farmer Micro-grants Grant funding is focused on needs such as tools, equipment, training, consulting, or anything that ensures the farmer’s success. Funding should have the potential to positively impact a farmer’s transition to organic, allow them to better market their products, or solve a particular problem that is typically un-fundable through normal operational or lending strategies. Projects that have a high potential for impact on the individual farm and/or the communities they serve will be given the highest priority.

"Mental Health Resources for Young People of Color" includes organizations, digital resources and videos, support groups, and therapy directories to help support the mental health of young people of color. This resource also provides a list of Instagram accounts of mental health educators, therapists of color, and community support pages.