Our mission is to cultivate collective action for an economically sustainable, socially equitable, and environmentally sound local food system.

/tilTH/ good soil . good heart

  1. cultivation of land.

    • the condition of tilled soil, especially in respect to suitability for sowing seeds.

The Future is Abundant: A Guide to Sustainable Agriculture, Tilth

“The Tilth serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information between gardeners, farmers, beekeepers, tree planters, ranchers, orchardists, and everyone else seeking the creation of
local sustainable agriculture and forestry.”

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Our History
| Memphis Tilth Chartered
2016 | GrowMemphis and Urban Farms Memphis dissolved and became programs of Memphis Tilth
-The Memphis Center for Food and Faith along with Christian Brothers University launched the
Memphis Tilth, Food, and Faith Initiative
-Partnership with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Food Services Department
-Strategic Partnership with Advance Memphis for Garden to Table Education Elective and St. Paul Garden
2017 | Bring It Food Hub dissolved and joined Memphis Tilth as a program 2018 | Strategic partnership with Alpha Omega Veterans Services Inc.
2019 | Partnership with Chelsea Avenue Farmers Market
-Became a Giving Grove Affiliate
| St. James Garden launched at the Chelsea Avenue Farmers Market
-Partnership with Center for Transforming Communities
-Joined the Just Climate Alliance