Our mission is to cultivate collective action for an economically sustainable, socially equitable, and environmentally sound local food system.
/tilTH/ good soil . good heart
cultivation of land.
the condition of tilled soil, especially in respect to suitability for sowing seeds.
The Future is Abundant: A Guide to Sustainable Agriculture, Tilth
“The Tilth serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information between gardeners, farmers, beekeepers, tree planters, ranchers, orchardists, and everyone else seeking the creation of
local sustainable agriculture and forestry.”
Our History
2015 | Memphis Tilth Chartered
2016 | GrowMemphis and Urban Farms Memphis dissolved and became programs of Memphis Tilth
-The Memphis Center for Food and Faith along with Christian Brothers University launched the
Memphis Tilth, Food, and Faith Initiative
-Partnership with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Food Services Department
-Strategic Partnership with Advance Memphis for Garden to Table Education Elective and St. Paul Garden
2017 | Bring It Food Hub dissolved and joined Memphis Tilth as a program 2018 | Strategic partnership with Alpha Omega Veterans Services Inc.
2019 | Partnership with Chelsea Avenue Farmers Market
-Became a Giving Grove Affiliate
2020 | St. James Garden launched at the Chelsea Avenue Farmers Market
-Partnership with Center for Transforming Communities
-Joined the Just Climate Alliance