Join us on Saturday mornings from 9am to 12pm June and July in 2022. 

The Chelsea Avenue Farmers Market is an open-air community farmer's market at the intersection of Chelsea Avenue and Springdale Street in the Hollywood-Hyde Park neighborhood.

Our goal is to bring local produce from regional farmers
to areas with low-to-no fresh food access.

CAFM fosters emerging entrepreneurs, small businesses and independent vendors using a vacant lot as a community-information transfer-hub to inspire healthy, whole, abundant living in North Memphis.



Market Calendar

Saturdays in June - 11, 18, 25
Saturdays in July - 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

Note: Weather may impact market dates. Please check back to find out more.


Market Vendor Application

Market stalls are open-space, 10x10, and available on a first-come, first served basis. You will need to provide your own table(s), chair(s), and tent. There is no electricity or storage available. Priority space reserved for North Memphis residents. *All fees are currently wavered

Inclement Weather Policy

Chelsea Market and other Memphis Tilth events will not be held if the weather forecast shows unsafe conditions including; Heat Index in excess of 108’F - Wind Chill less than 0’F - Wind excess of 20 miles per hour - and over 50% precipitation during the majority of the event time.

The decision of cancellation will be made and announced by 12 pm the previous day on social media.
